Sunday, April 9, 2017
Anne Vyalitsyna Herve Leger Nude Pink Bandage Dresses
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Friday, May 27, 2016
James Bond: Jamie Bell Has Reportedly Discussed Role With Producers
The last week saw conflicting reports on whether or not Daniel Craig was planning to return for another turn as James Bond. First, Craig was reported to have ruled out another turn in the 007 tux. This report alleged the actor turned down a considerable payday as well, forgoing nearly $100 million dollars to play the suave super spy for two more films. A day later, the news was followed by another report that suggested, despite some public and matter-of-fact statements on not wanting to return to the role, the actor had made no such decision and might still consider coming back for another Bond film.
As is the case when things like this happen, casting suggestions have been volleyed from every corner of the Internet, with such non-Craig possibilities as Idris Elba and even Gillian Anderson getting their fair share of attention. So far, the most solid option seems to be Tom Hiddleston, especially following his recent turn in the spy-thriller The Night Manager, but now a new contestant has entered the ring, and it is an unlikely one a that, with Fantastic Four star Jamie Bell confirmed to have spoken to Bond producers.
According to Deadline, Bell “has discussed the Bond role” with Barbara Broccoli, whose family has produced all canonical Bond films since 1962’s Dr. No, and who is also the producer of Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool, in which Bell is playing the lead. The talks between the actor and producer had been “widely reported,” but Deadline has stated the talks have now been confirmed. Adding fuel to the fire is the recent casting of Craig in Steven Soderbergh’s upcoming heist film Logan Lucky, which is in addition to his appearing in the television adaptation of Jonathan Franzen’s Purity.

Bell is perhaps best known for his starring role in the crowdpleaser Billy Elliot from 2000, but since then he has had starring or co-starring roles in several films, such as Doug Liman’s Jumper, the animated The Adventures of Tintin, and Joon-ho Bong’s Snowpiercer alongside Chris Evans. Bell was most recently in last year’s ill-fated Fantastic Four film and is currently starring in season 3 of AMC’s Turn.
Bell is far from the most intuitive choice. He’s not quite a movie star, nor is he particularly established either as a leading man or in the action-adventure genre. Should Bell play the part, he would tie George Lazenby as the youngest 007 ever; Sean Connery was 32 when he started, while Craig was 38. Hiddleston, the other would-be Bond, is 35; should either he or Bell be cast, they could conceivably play the role for a long time.
Then again, it’s far from a sure thing that Bell will end up playing the role. It’s not known how high-level or serious the talks were, nor have plans for the next Bond film progressed especially far yet. Not only has the next Bond not yet been chosen (nor is Craig completely out of the running at this point), but there isn’t even a director or a script in place for the next film.
There is no scheduled release date for the 25th James Bond film, but stay tuned here for news on when Craig or a new 007 is cast.
As is the case when things like this happen, casting suggestions have been volleyed from every corner of the Internet, with such non-Craig possibilities as Idris Elba and even Gillian Anderson getting their fair share of attention. So far, the most solid option seems to be Tom Hiddleston, especially following his recent turn in the spy-thriller The Night Manager, but now a new contestant has entered the ring, and it is an unlikely one a that, with Fantastic Four star Jamie Bell confirmed to have spoken to Bond producers.
According to Deadline, Bell “has discussed the Bond role” with Barbara Broccoli, whose family has produced all canonical Bond films since 1962’s Dr. No, and who is also the producer of Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool, in which Bell is playing the lead. The talks between the actor and producer had been “widely reported,” but Deadline has stated the talks have now been confirmed. Adding fuel to the fire is the recent casting of Craig in Steven Soderbergh’s upcoming heist film Logan Lucky, which is in addition to his appearing in the television adaptation of Jonathan Franzen’s Purity.
Bell is perhaps best known for his starring role in the crowdpleaser Billy Elliot from 2000, but since then he has had starring or co-starring roles in several films, such as Doug Liman’s Jumper, the animated The Adventures of Tintin, and Joon-ho Bong’s Snowpiercer alongside Chris Evans. Bell was most recently in last year’s ill-fated Fantastic Four film and is currently starring in season 3 of AMC’s Turn.
Bell is far from the most intuitive choice. He’s not quite a movie star, nor is he particularly established either as a leading man or in the action-adventure genre. Should Bell play the part, he would tie George Lazenby as the youngest 007 ever; Sean Connery was 32 when he started, while Craig was 38. Hiddleston, the other would-be Bond, is 35; should either he or Bell be cast, they could conceivably play the role for a long time.
Then again, it’s far from a sure thing that Bell will end up playing the role. It’s not known how high-level or serious the talks were, nor have plans for the next Bond film progressed especially far yet. Not only has the next Bond not yet been chosen (nor is Craig completely out of the running at this point), but there isn’t even a director or a script in place for the next film.
There is no scheduled release date for the 25th James Bond film, but stay tuned here for news on when Craig or a new 007 is cast.
Fantastic Four,
James Bond,
Logan Lucky
‘A Good Day to Die Hard’ Adds Supermodel Anne Vyalitsyna to Cast
The fifth Die Hard film – officially titled A Good Day to Die Hard – is in the midst of shooting, with a cast that includes Jai Courtney, Amaury Nolasca, Megalyn Echikunwoke, Sebastian Koch, Yulia Snigir, and Cole Hauser (besides, of course, Bruce Willis as John McClane).
Now, Variety is reporting that Anne Vyalitsyna – a Sports Illustrated supermodel turned actress (and Maroon 5 frontman Adam Levine’s ex-girlfriend) – is joining the cast in her debut role.
There’s no word yet as to the role she’ll have in the film, but one presumes that since Yulia Snigir is a female villain, Vyalitsyna will be playing a potential love interest to John “Jack” McClane Jr. (played by Jai Courtney). Because really, people, what’s a movie these days without some romance?
Then again, it’s entirely possible that Megalyn Echikunwoke (House of Lies) will fill that role, as well – if not both actresses, for that matter.
Unfortunately, there’s still relatively little information as to the overall plot of this sequel (pentaquel?) except that it involves bad guys in Russia that John McClane and his son must stop.
The idea of “Russian bad guys” doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in the originality of the film’s conflict. They’re essentially the go-to throwaway antagonists for this sort of international action film – more caricatures and bullet-sponges than anything truly intimidating. Even James Bond left them behind over a decade ago.
Which isn’t to say that they can’t make for interesting villains. Perhaps Skip Woods – the author of A Good Day to Die Hard‘s screenplay – found a way to introduce something new to the whole “Russian bad guy palette.” Let’s hope that’s the case.

John McClane and son in ‘A Good Day to Die Hard’
There was a rumor a while back that Patrick Stewart was under “strong consideration” for the role of the film’s primary villain – a disgraced Russian general plotting to assassinate a visiting U.S. President. It’s unclear if that is the actual plot of the film, or if Stewart will indeed be playing the general, but it’s a nice idea – a badass cinematic battle between bald hero and bald bad guy.
The again, John McClane is at his best when he’s a fairly regular guy up against semi-impossible odds (Die Hard and Die Hard with a Vengeance); he’s less interesting when he’s basically a superhero (Die Hard 4) – at least, in my opinion. Hopefully that’s precisely what the filmmakers are going for here.
A Good Day to Die Hard, directed by John Moore (Max Payne), hits theaters February 14, 2013. What better way is there to spend Valentine’s Day?
Now, Variety is reporting that Anne Vyalitsyna – a Sports Illustrated supermodel turned actress (and Maroon 5 frontman Adam Levine’s ex-girlfriend) – is joining the cast in her debut role.
There’s no word yet as to the role she’ll have in the film, but one presumes that since Yulia Snigir is a female villain, Vyalitsyna will be playing a potential love interest to John “Jack” McClane Jr. (played by Jai Courtney). Because really, people, what’s a movie these days without some romance?
Then again, it’s entirely possible that Megalyn Echikunwoke (House of Lies) will fill that role, as well – if not both actresses, for that matter.
Unfortunately, there’s still relatively little information as to the overall plot of this sequel (pentaquel?) except that it involves bad guys in Russia that John McClane and his son must stop.
The idea of “Russian bad guys” doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in the originality of the film’s conflict. They’re essentially the go-to throwaway antagonists for this sort of international action film – more caricatures and bullet-sponges than anything truly intimidating. Even James Bond left them behind over a decade ago.
Which isn’t to say that they can’t make for interesting villains. Perhaps Skip Woods – the author of A Good Day to Die Hard‘s screenplay – found a way to introduce something new to the whole “Russian bad guy palette.” Let’s hope that’s the case.
John McClane and son in ‘A Good Day to Die Hard’
There was a rumor a while back that Patrick Stewart was under “strong consideration” for the role of the film’s primary villain – a disgraced Russian general plotting to assassinate a visiting U.S. President. It’s unclear if that is the actual plot of the film, or if Stewart will indeed be playing the general, but it’s a nice idea – a badass cinematic battle between bald hero and bald bad guy.
The again, John McClane is at his best when he’s a fairly regular guy up against semi-impossible odds (Die Hard and Die Hard with a Vengeance); he’s less interesting when he’s basically a superhero (Die Hard 4) – at least, in my opinion. Hopefully that’s precisely what the filmmakers are going for here.
A Good Day to Die Hard, directed by John Moore (Max Payne), hits theaters February 14, 2013. What better way is there to spend Valentine’s Day?
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
How Did Adam Levine & Behati Prinsloo Meet? Victoria's Secret Brings People Together
Ever since I watched Maroon 5's "Animals" music video, I cannot escape the vivid imagery of Adam Levine and Behati Prinsloo hooking up while covered in blood. That cringe-worthy visual aside, I have to admit that I think they are, otherwise, a cute couple. As a fan who has had a one-sided romance going with Levine since I was in high school, their relationship hit me hard out of nowhere. Then they got married and I have been bombarded by cute pictures of them on red carpets, running errands, backstage at fashion shows and concerts, and vacationing in tropical climates ever since. But I am finally at peace with it all now. This will probably provide some great material for Levine to write some new Maroon 5 songs for me to listen to and that is definitely a good thing. I did not think that Adam Levine, a notorious model dater, would actually settle down, but he did and I actually like it. But I wonder how they landed each other and evolved into the adorable couple that makes me super jealous to this day? Where did all this cuteness come from? How did Adam Levine meet Behati Prinsloo? Let's take a look at their history and find out.
A Victoria's Secret Love Connection
Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images
Watching a Victoria's Secret fashion show is like watching a parade of Leonardo DiCaprio and Adam Levine's ex-girlfriends. Levine dated Victoria's Secret model Anne Vyalitsyna, known as Anne V, for two years. Anne V and Prinsloo, also a Victoria's Secret model, are (were?) supposedly close friends. Anne is said to have broken Levine's heart when she announced their breakup to People magazine without consulting with him about it first in April 2012. Did Anne introduce Levine and Prinsloo? It's hard to say if Anne made the introduction herself, but Levine did reportedly meet Prinsloo at the 2011 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show where Levine was performing, so there's a good chance Anne was involved.
A Red Carpet Appearance
Bryan Bedder/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images
Levine and Prinsloo had their first official outing together at a party for GQ magazine in October 2012, but they weren't together for long.
Another Victoria's Secret Angel
Alexander Tamargo/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images
Yes, Levine was entangled with yet another Victoria's Secret angel. He had a short-lived romance with model Nina Agdal in May 2013. Yes, this was between the time he (at least appeared) to start dating Prinsloo and the time they got married.
A Surprise Engagement
Larry Busacca/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images
Just when Levine seemed like he was enjoying his life as an eternal bachelor and modelizer, he got back together with Prinsloo and things got real serious when he proposed in July 2013. Rumor has it that he informed Agdal of the news via text message. Ouch.
A lot of Coupled Up Cuteness
Larry Busacca/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images
After that awkward Victoria's Secret love square, Levine and Prinsloo were super cute posing for pictures on Instagram, dressing up together for Halloween, and attending each other's events.
A Perfect Wedding
Frazer Harrison/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images
The duo made it official by tying the knot on July 19, 2014 in Los Cabos, Mexico. There were plenty of celebrity guests and Victoria's Secret models present, including Erin Heatherton and Candice Swanepoel.
An Adorable Marriage
Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images
There seems to be zero trouble in paradise with the couple continuing to be affectionate in social media posts and real life. It's nice to see that they are so in love and that Levine has reformed his modelizing ways. In an interview with Jay Leno, Levine solidified that marital happiness by saying, "Famous last words, 'I'll never get married.' I still don't necessarily think you have to get married unless you meet someone that makes you want to marry them. And then you marry them and it's wonderful."
A Victoria's Secret Love Connection
Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images
Watching a Victoria's Secret fashion show is like watching a parade of Leonardo DiCaprio and Adam Levine's ex-girlfriends. Levine dated Victoria's Secret model Anne Vyalitsyna, known as Anne V, for two years. Anne V and Prinsloo, also a Victoria's Secret model, are (were?) supposedly close friends. Anne is said to have broken Levine's heart when she announced their breakup to People magazine without consulting with him about it first in April 2012. Did Anne introduce Levine and Prinsloo? It's hard to say if Anne made the introduction herself, but Levine did reportedly meet Prinsloo at the 2011 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show where Levine was performing, so there's a good chance Anne was involved.
A Red Carpet Appearance
Levine and Prinsloo had their first official outing together at a party for GQ magazine in October 2012, but they weren't together for long.
Another Victoria's Secret Angel
Yes, Levine was entangled with yet another Victoria's Secret angel. He had a short-lived romance with model Nina Agdal in May 2013. Yes, this was between the time he (at least appeared) to start dating Prinsloo and the time they got married.
A Surprise Engagement
Just when Levine seemed like he was enjoying his life as an eternal bachelor and modelizer, he got back together with Prinsloo and things got real serious when he proposed in July 2013. Rumor has it that he informed Agdal of the news via text message. Ouch.
A lot of Coupled Up Cuteness
After that awkward Victoria's Secret love square, Levine and Prinsloo were super cute posing for pictures on Instagram, dressing up together for Halloween, and attending each other's events.
A Perfect Wedding
The duo made it official by tying the knot on July 19, 2014 in Los Cabos, Mexico. There were plenty of celebrity guests and Victoria's Secret models present, including Erin Heatherton and Candice Swanepoel.
An Adorable Marriage
There seems to be zero trouble in paradise with the couple continuing to be affectionate in social media posts and real life. It's nice to see that they are so in love and that Levine has reformed his modelizing ways. In an interview with Jay Leno, Levine solidified that marital happiness by saying, "Famous last words, 'I'll never get married.' I still don't necessarily think you have to get married unless you meet someone that makes you want to marry them. And then you marry them and it's wonderful."
Adam Levine who? Anne Vyalitsyna dating True Blood hunk
Adam isn't the only one who can move on to a super-hot new partner. His ex, Victoria's Secret model Anne Vyalitsyna, is proving she is not only undeniably gorgeous, but can also get one of the sexiest men in Hollywood, who just happens to be a vampire — well, on TV, anyway.
Adam Levine, move over unblocked school. A new Hollywood beau is sinking his teeth into your ex!
The celebrity couple rumour mill is buzzing with news that Maroon 5 frontman's ex-girlfriend, Victoria's Secret model Anne Vyalitsyna, and True Blood actor Alexander Skarsgard are together. The news came out of reports from Life & Style via The Hollywood Gossip after a source claimed the two hotties are together.
"They got together about a month ago in NYC and are still hooking up," says a source to the entertainment magazine. "She's been telling all her friends about him!"
Well, well, well... Look at that. It seems Adam isn't the only one who can move on — or move on to someone who is extremely hot, especially as a bloodsucking vampire. And it's no surprise that Anne, who, according to Us Weekly, was "blindsided" by the split with Adam. I mean, they were together for two years.
But it didn't take long for Adam to move on — that's for sure — or to move on to another model, also from the Victoria's Secret clan. Yes, The Voice judge is seeing Behati Prinsloo. The two were spotted smooching in Hawaii at the beginning of the month.
OK, I think everyone — including Adam — knows the singer is extremely attractive, but we can't help but wonder if he has a George Clooney complex going on unblocked games online. You know, dating hot and talented celebrity women and then splitting up with them?
Well, if Adam and Anne are both happy with their new significant others, then there's nothing more to do than wish them all the best. Here's to the new happy couples!
The celebrity couple rumour mill is buzzing with news that Maroon 5 frontman's ex-girlfriend, Victoria's Secret model Anne Vyalitsyna, and True Blood actor Alexander Skarsgard are together. The news came out of reports from Life & Style via The Hollywood Gossip after a source claimed the two hotties are together.
"They got together about a month ago in NYC and are still hooking up," says a source to the entertainment magazine. "She's been telling all her friends about him!"
Well, well, well... Look at that. It seems Adam isn't the only one who can move on — or move on to someone who is extremely hot, especially as a bloodsucking vampire. And it's no surprise that Anne, who, according to Us Weekly, was "blindsided" by the split with Adam. I mean, they were together for two years.
But it didn't take long for Adam to move on — that's for sure — or to move on to another model, also from the Victoria's Secret clan. Yes, The Voice judge is seeing Behati Prinsloo. The two were spotted smooching in Hawaii at the beginning of the month.
OK, I think everyone — including Adam — knows the singer is extremely attractive, but we can't help but wonder if he has a George Clooney complex going on unblocked games online. You know, dating hot and talented celebrity women and then splitting up with them?
Well, if Adam and Anne are both happy with their new significant others, then there's nothing more to do than wish them all the best. Here's to the new happy couples!
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Victoria's Secret Angel Anne V vows to support young models
Russian supermodel Anne Vyalitsyna will ensure young models get more support than she did.
The beautiful blonde, who dated Maroon 5's Adam Levine, arrived in America at 15, with no parents and with limited use of the English language. She wants to use the experience to help others in a similar position.
"I was a young teenager and had to learn everything by myself. Looking back and going over many of the struggles I faced, I wish there were laws protecting minors and an organisation of older, more experienced models, that could have supported me and looked out for my best interests.
"I know how hard it is to make it in this business, and how even harder it is to be underage," she told Modelinia.
"I'd like to use knowledge and experience to be that support to young girls that I never received."
The Model Alliance was founded by model Sara Ziff and is a non-profit organisation focused on establishing fair labour standards for models in the United States.
"Why shouldn't fashion models have the same rights as other child performer, including maximum working hours, rest and meal breaks, provisions for chaperons, trust accounts, and educational requirements?" asks Anne.
Well known for her ongoing nine consecutive year run of appearances in the Swimsuit Issue of Sports Illustrated, Anne has an invaluable insight into the industry which could help aspiring models.
On June 12 the New York State Senate and Assembly unanimously voted to pass the proposed legislation.
"Now we're just waiting for Governor Cuomo to sign the bill into law," Anne explained.
Anne Vyalitsyna
First it was the Brazilian invasion, followed by a Belgian onslaught and now it seems as though every big-name designer wants their work modeled by the Russians.
I wonder when the Australians will get a guernsy?
There are number of Russian models whose names are slowly but surely embedding themselves into the minds of fashion lovers everywhere, such as Natalia Vodianova, Kristina Chrastekova and Ksenia Maximova.
But above all these up and comers stands 5'10" Anne Vyalitsyna.
Sure, she's only a youngster who has entered a cut-throat world where women are treated like props, and are told they'll never work in the industry beyond the age of 25, but her booking ledger has already been filled with more big-name shows than most models get in their first three years.
The reason for this is her amazing beauty - pure and simple.
Almost all designers who have seen her have been clamouring to get her signed up. Is it here blonde hair, her small frame, maybe her green eyes or perhaps those long legs?
Actually, most industry types agree it's her pouty lips that command the most attention, but whatever excites designers will always ultimately become bland again, but even so, seeing as Vyalitsyna started her professional modeling career at age 15 (she's now 18), she's got plenty of time to refine her head tilts, cat walking and meaningful gazes.
While most girls her age are desperately dashing from one casting call to the next, Vyalitsyna has already been signed up for Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci and Prada collections, not to mention working campaigns for Chanel fragrances, and don't expect her to slow down anytime soon.
Furthremore, many of the big European fashion houses agree that Russians have the best walk.
The new wave of Russian models are also hard workers and many stylists, designers and photographers are acutely aware of this, eager to get to work rather than have to find a specific brand of mineral water because a particular model "can't work in these bloody conditions!"
Anne Vyalitsyna's rise to fame occured shortly after she won a modeling contest in Russia. She was discovered by IMG scouts in Russia looking for new faces during an MTV contest called, ahem, 'Fashionably Loud Europe'.
After being signed up with IMG Paris and now New York, she almost instantly landed a Chloe campaign, soon after doing work for Anna Molinari and Versus, while working with photographers such as Steven Meisel, Terry Richardson, Patrick Demarchelier, Ellen von Unwerth and Michael Thompson.
Usually when a fresh new face appears on the scene, she'll be instantly compared other models - not so with Vyalitsyna. There's literally been no one else like her: Could she be the biggest thing to ever happen to the fashion industry?
Most are quick to nod a vigorous 'yes'.
Photo: Unknown
Source: Unknown |
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